As an elementary school kid during both the Reagan and Bush (41) Presidencies, I am proud to say that I was not brainwashed by either President's classroom addresses even though I listened to their "propaganda" during my most formative of years. But maybe I'm the exception.
More interesting perhaps was a decision by my 5th grade faculty to stage an actual Presidential debate during the '92 election. I, naturally, was selected to portray George H.W. Bush and was pitted against a real nerdy type, Ross Perot, and a girl, Bill Clinton (which my parents found to be hilarious even though I didn't the joke until years later). If University Elementary School was any predictor of the Presidential outcome, George Bush would've been reelected by a resounding 90% of the vote. Which just goes to show you how lazy 5th graders are about learning what the polls said they should've been thinking.
Anyways, here's a cogent explanation of what's happening today. Glen Beck viewers need not clickthrough.
Happy Obama Brainwashing Your Child Day!
UPDATE #1: Somehow I missed Newt's positive remarks about the address.
UPDATE #2: Greg Mankiw called it "inspiring".
A Few Words On Healthcare
2 weeks ago
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